A little over 60 years ago, I made my grand entrance into this world with open eyes, a curious and creative mind, a ton of determination and some physical and learning challenges that got in the way of everything I tried to do.

In my early years, anytime I ran into roadblocks with the traditional & expected ways of doing or learning things (which felt like it was most of the time), I seemed to magically find people who had awful opinions of me and were ready to write me off entirely! Without the right tools for dealing with these situations, I always felt like I was either stuck in one place or going around and around in circles -- like the names, faces and details might have changed, but the patterns kept repeating, over and over again! More than once, I felt like just giving up and packing it in. It was exhausting!!! 

Eventually, my curiosity, creativity and determination led me to make some different demands and ask some very different kinds of questions, and those led me to some incredibly generous and insightful mentors, who shared their insights and taught me valuable lessons like I had never heard anywhere else, which led me to an entire different mindset.

Since then, that mindset has led me to design and create products, services and businesses that improved the lives of countless people, be published in both national and international magazines (and online), self-teach or get trained and certified in dozens of skills and techniques (including those that I will help you to learn, practice and master, when we work together), and more!

Even now, the kinds of choices I make and questions I ask help my clients to experience the kinds of successes they do.

That's what The HELP Coach is all about: HELPing you to redefine what's possible for you, by inviting and inspiring you to unlock and explore some possibilities that you may not even have considered before. By working with someone who's already tried, stumbled, fallen, gotten back up and tried (and succeeded) again and again -- and who can show you how to avoid some of the jagged rocks you're likely to encounter along the way, you'll not only get the chance to move forward

So, if you're tired of gritting your teeth, wishing things were different or better and losing sleep over how things are still not going your way, click on one of these orange buttons and let's have a conversation about redefining what can be possible for you! (And remember: it's just a conversation.)

About My Process

It’s about teamwork, really.

Unlike working with either a consultant or a therapist (in which case, you’re the lower person in the equation and they’re the more elevated expert), I believe that you’re the world’s number one expert in the subject of you, and I’m an expert in the subject of coaching people to bring out their best.

When you work with me, we’ll do just that: work WITH each other, as equals who respect one another and are pursuing a series of meaningful goals, as a team, until we’re successful in getting you where you want or need to be.

You see, this is about you being the most important person in the equation; I’m just your support staff, helping you to identify the challenges in your path, figuring out which ones to tackle first and strategizing our most effective path forward.

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